10 Video Game Bosses You Can Only Defeat With One Weapon

5. Mithala - Aquaria

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Bit Blot

As much as many likely wrote off Aquaria as yet another side-scrolling action-adventure game to try and compare up to Echo the Dolphin, it's actually far more than that. While it doesn't contain the absolutely magnificent surprise that was the alien bosses at the end of Echo, it does have some fantastic boss battle nonetheless.

One of the most interesting of these is against Mithala, a huge pink sea-monster who is worlds larger than you. When it isn't shooting water bullets at you, Mithala is also summoning Mermen to go after you and complicate matters.

Mercifully, these aquatic monsters are your ticket to winning the fight, as your regular shots do no damage to this peach beast. Instead, you need to lure Mithala's mermen into the suspicious poison pit at the bottom of the area, which turns them poisonous. When Mithala next uses the attack that sucks up water, it'll also suck up said mermen, damaging itself in the process.

While it could take you an age to realise this - as you can kill the mermen before their secret benefit becomes clear to you - it's a fun little reveal at absolute worst.


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