10 Video Game Bosses You Had To Fight TWICE

3. Makron - Quake 4

Elden Ring Radahn
iD Software

The often overlooked Quake 4 is hardly the best instalment in the legendary first-person shooter franchise, but it's a solid game with some brilliant spectacle and fun encounters. It also has one of the cleverest dual-boss fights in gaming, as the dreaded Makron proves you can't always win them on the first go.  

Makron Alpha is the supreme leader of the Strogg and shows it off pretty well in your first encounter. You meet them at the end of the Nexus Hub, where, no matter how well you do, they will always pummel you and leave you tasting defeat. Afterwards, you get taken away for "Stroggification," which is about as unpleasant as it sounds.  

Naturally, getting your butt whopped establishes just how unstoppable this baddie is. 

This sets up an epic final boss fight where you once again tangle with this impressive mechanical monster, but this time, you're way more powerful and prepared. Beating this s.o.b. after getting embarrassed the first time is a testament to how far you've come in the campaign. 

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