10 Video Game Buttons You REALLY SHOULD PRESS

6. Pay Respects - Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare F Respects

While most of the entries on this list are actual, tangible buttons that you have to click inside a game world, it would be unfair to not go a bit meta with this concept and not include an example of the actual buttons players are pressing on their controller.

Even better, this particular example is one of the most infamous button presses in gaming history. Hell, even if you're not familiar with Call of Duty, you'll have no doubt seen the meme spawned from this moment on the Internet.

The button in question comes during a funeral scene in Advanced Warfare, where the main character military man is encouraged to "press F to pay respects" for his fallen comrade.

Though the developers no doubt had good intentions with the moment, trying to wring every bit of emotion out the cutscene as possible, it only highlighted how ridiculous blockbuster games had gotten.

Still, you have to do it, don't you? Straighten up soldier, press F, and mourn the loss of your friend.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3