10 Video Game Buttons You REALLY SHOULD PRESS

5. Laser Control - System Shock

A good chunk of System Shock revolves around the player figuring out the right way to press the 'laser button' that's sitting so tantalisingly in a control room. The idea is that the series' signature villain SHODAN wants to destroy the big cities on Earth via a huge laser which, now I type it, is pretty much a plot Dr. Evil would think up as well.

Anyway, your role, obviously, is to stop all this death and destruction from happening. You find the button to activate the laser firing quite early on and you can press it there and then if you wish, doing SHODAN's job for her. She'll even congratulate you on speeding up her destructive plan.

That alone already makes it eligible for this list, but your role isn't just to press the button, but to press it smartly. You need to find some instructions and codes across a bunch of other levels so you can safely fire the machine, ruin SHODAN's plans and, most importantly, not destroy humanity when you click it.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3