10 Video Game Buttons You REALLY SHOULD PRESS

4. Self-Destruct - Deus Ex: Human Revolution

For the most part, if an RPG had an ending where you literally decided the future by simply pressing a button and watching the final cutscene, it would be deemed a failure. Yet, when that very same thing happened in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, it served to make that final decision really feel like a true game changer.

In the final mission, you're tasked with shutting down a signal, with the player making their way to a set of terminals, each with a unique message that you can distribute. Though it sounds simple, each one of these changes the world in radically different ways depending on the ideology of whichever person you decide to support.

While all of these endings are interesting in their own right, it's actually a secret fourth one that's a bit more exciting. Instead of pressing one of these three buttons, you can choose none of them, and opt for a hidden big red button on the way out that will blow up the facility you're in.

Sure you might get caught in the crossfire, but it's a great way to stick a middle finger up to everyone and do your own thing.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3