10 Video Game Buttons You Shouldn't Have Pressed (But Totally Did)

3. The Big Red Button - Wasteland 2

wasteland 2
InXile Entertainment

The Wasteland series of games is basically what many consider to be the true spiritual successor to the original isometric Fallout titles - games with a focus on post-nuclear war survival and a tonne of choices that directly or indirectly shape the player's experience.

Some are humorous, some evil, but the strangest of all (and the one that took the longest to solve) came from the big red button that you could find in the Hollywood Sewers section.

And that's because at first, outside of a screen shake, it appeared to do nothing.

In fact, it took a whole year for players to figure things out, and this only came about through help from the developers themselves.

Turns out that pressing this button would open a new area of the map, which if the player went to, would introduce them to a new NPC called Aaron.

Going inside the installation that Aaron is found in presents you with ANOTHER big shiny red button which if you ALSO push, makes Aaron say "You've doomed us all" before running away.

Oh... kay? Is that it?

Yes, as it turns out, and this was just an elaborate joke to see whether players would go to the ends of the earth to find out what the button did.

Aaron was apparently a real life person that the developers knew, who they named "red buttons" because of his attire. Hopefully the real Aaron doesn't also flee from his buttons, though.

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Wasteland 2
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