10 Video Game Cash-Grabs We Can't Believe They Tried

5. Ghost Recon Breakpoint

street fighter duel

Ghost Recon Breakpoint was massacred before release, when early-access users revealed how every item could be purchased with real money.

Now, most gamers don't mind if certain weapons and upgrades require micro-transactions. But turning this Tom Clancy adaptation into a pay-to-win game isn't fair for anyone.

As hard as it is to believe, the online-only shooter was meant to have more micro-transactions! Originally, the Breakpoint would've utilised Time-Saves, much like the Assassin's Creed franchise. Gamers were up in arms about this, encouraging Ubisoft to remove them, saying they were included by mistake. (Suuuuuure they were.) But to nobody's surprise, the developers inserted the Time-Savers at a later date, hoping nobody would noticed. (They did.)

Being the devil's advocate, none of the basic weapons and attachments cost much. Also, you can obtain these accessories by using in-game currency.

But due to the absurd amount of grinding required, you'll want to bypass the tedious rigmarole by spending your hard-earned cash on the best armaments.

Unfortunately, buying guns is more complicated than you'd expect. You have to purchase the weapons, the underbarrels, and the magazines separately! So, if you want to arm yourself with a handful of decent weapons, it'll cost you an arm and a leg.


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