10 Video Game Cash-Grabs We Can't Believe They Tried

4. Mass Effect Andromeda's Collector's Edition Didn't Include The Game

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Since Mass Effect: Andromeda was broken at launch and wasn't a particularly good game overall, you'd think that would be enough to justify this dud being labelled a cash-grab.

But this fumbled sequel committed a far more grievous sin. When a franchise becomes hugely popular, it's not out of character for the developers to toss out a special edition, just to bring in a little extra money.

And since Andromeda is a follow-up to BioWare's biggest IP, it wasn't shocking when it received a Collectors Edition, packaged with a steelbook and a diecast model of the Nomad vehicle. And by paying a bit more, you could purchase a remote-control Nomad.

But not only did the Collector's Edition contain no in-game bonuses... it didn't include the game!

Look, I know we shouldn't make assumptions. But if I purchase the Mass Effect Andromeda Collector's Edition, I would presume a copy of Mass Effect Andromeda would be in tow. As such, many gamers spent £200 on this bundle, oblivious they had to hand over an additional £50 for the flippin' game.

But it wasn't all bad. In EA's defence, the remote-control Nomad worked a lot more than Andromeda did.


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