10 Video Game Cash-Grabs We Can't Believe They Tried

2. Street Fighter Duel

street fighter duel
CrunchyRoll Games

At a glance, Crunchyroll Game's Street Fighter Duel looks like the full package. This mobile title's got beautiful art, a terrific soundtrack, daily and weekly missions, challenges, events, puzzles, perks, a campaign, a VS arena, a training centre, and a colossal roster filled with dozens of new and familiar faces.

But that's not all. There are gems, cash, crystals, fragments, fighter EXP, arcade coins, and breakstones to win, which can be used to unlock equipment, upgrades, and characters.

Because of this onslaught of content, you'd think any Street Fighter fan would be playing Duel relentlessly, hurling hadoukens and sonic booms 24/7.

That's why it's disappointing and deeply ironic how Street Fighter Duel falls apart when it comes to... the street fighting. You don't have to worry about parrys, blocks, counters, combos, and special moves, since the brawls involve no real strategy. Since your team fight automatically, you can win without pressing a button. Because each fight is only a few seconds long, you spend more time on the menu screen, collecting gems and coins than fighting.

Worse still, the game eventually gets so hard, you need to grind or rely on micro-transactions to get the best upgrades. Not only are these methods frustrating, they're pointless. After all, why would anyone spend money on a game... that plays itself!


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