10 Video Game Cash-Grabs We Can't Believe They Tried

1. Diablo Immortal

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"Do you guys not have phones?"

When Blizzard designer, Wyatt Cheng, uttered those infamous words at at BlizzCon 2018 while promoting Diablo Immortal, you could feel all interest for the mobile spin-off shrivel away in an instant.

Now, let's try really, really, really hard to break this situation down fairly. The BlizzCon crowd were understandably disappointed, since they assumed the announcement was for a Diablo sequel on the PC.

But does that mean Diablo Immortal was going to suck, purely because it was a mobile title? Of course not.

So, was it good? Oh, hell no! Immortal's micro-transactions are more relentless than a Terminator. While describing this deeply flawed reward system, critics used words like "malicious," "manipulative," and "predatory." (If any mechanic is called "predatory", the developers should take that as a sign they screwed up big-time.)

If you thought such terms were hyperbolic, it's anything but. One YouTuber calculated it would take a decade to fully upgrade one character, without relying on purchases. If you wish to bypass this barbaric level of grinding, you could upgrade the character to the max by spending $100,000.

Although Blizzard promised to deliver, gamers made it clear how disgusted they were with the final result, giving Diablo Immortal a Metacritic User Score of 0.2/10 - the lowest rating any game's received in the site's history.

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