10 Video Game Character Redesigns The Fans Actually Liked

9. Rad Spencer (Bionic Commando)

Final Fantasy 7 Tifa

No, absolutely not that one.

The dreadlocked, newly Caribbean, stubble-sporting Rad Spencer who arrived with Bionic Commando in 2009 is a major contender for the worst redesign of all time.

However, when he returned in 2011 with Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, Rad was equipped with a third look which redeemed him.

This isn’t just the character going back to his original look like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro The Dragon. Instead, he has a few subtle changes, and though it isn’t as notorious as his bad redesign, it does at least have the (admittedly small) fanbase on board.

The new design compared to the original one (lets never speak of his Caribbean phase again) has more of a ‘cool dad’ vibe going on. He has a neatly combed, bright orange moustache, and has neatened his hair up with a bit of wax.

You can see what the god awful redesign was going for, with the original lacking in substance somewhat. Generic badass was the wrong call, but this more personable Rad has been a hit.

The game is still somewhat in no man’s land right now, but with Contra Corps and Commander Keen both getting revived recently, there’s every chance someone might dig it up.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)