10 Video Game Character Redesigns The Fans Actually Liked

8. Team Fortress Crew

Final Fantasy 7 Tifa

Absolute no brainer this one.

The first Team Fortress crew was a fairly generic band of heroes, devoid of personality. The basic ingredients were there, but they felt just like that: ingredients. A little bit of milk here, some chocolate chips there, a raw egg over in the corner... none of it had really come together yet.

In the sequel though, this totally changed. The characters became exaggerated versions of themselves, and the change paid off massively. Team Fortress went from being just another bog standard game to one that felt like it had something to say.

These sorts of games with big casts and a limited story can be difficult to judge on appearance alone. Overwatch and Battleborn don’t look all that different on paper, yet the results couldn’t be further apart.

Fortnite has gone in a similar trajectory to Team Fortress 2, though to say so would be heresy to a certain ilk of gamers. Their character models have gotten more outlandish as the seasons have gone on, and that too has been popular with fans.

Team Fortress 2 though was the originator, and with several groundbreaking mechanics, it’s not the only way the game started a trend.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)