10 Video Game Characters We Couldn’t Wait To Kill

8. Vaas (Far Cry 3)

Vaas was cruising for a bruising from the second he killed protagonist Jason's brother Grant right at the start of the game, and throughout Far Cry 3 he fashions himself as a villain both extremely charismatic and entertaining, and also really damn scary. His violent demeanour and unpredictable attitude, as well as the fact he killed Jason's brother, make him someone I couldn't wait to do away with, though the trippy nature of much of what takes place in the game means that killing Vaas wasn't completely as satisfying as it could have been. The scene of Vaas' death has the player pressing a sequence of buttons much like a QTE, before finally plunging a knife into his heart, delivering the satisfying kill we had been waiting for the entire game. However, the fact that Jason was on drugs, and that we see Vaas' eyes open when he's on the floor, is enough to suggest to some that this is all some fever dream and Vaas is still out there. However, writer Jeffrey Yohalem has confirmed that the death we caused Vaas was real, and hooray for that.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.