10 Video Game Characters We Couldn’t Wait To Kill

7. Mecha-Hitler (Wolfenstein 3D)

What could be more satisfying than taking on one of the most maligned tyrants in all of world history, in a giant mech suit no less? Wolfenstein 3D was all about getting to Hitler, and the battle certainly didn't disappoint, as Hitler was kitted out in a gigantic mechanical frame, which naturally made him very resistant to your attacks. With enough persistence, his armour will fall off and you'll get to take Hitler on mano-y-mano, though he's still carrying two gigantic chain guns, as you try to run around this maze of blocks to catch the Fuhrer unaware. Enough firing and he'll eventually go down for the county, inexplicably melting into an extremely satisfying pile of crimson and bone. You'll then get treated to a killcam replay of Hitler collapsing into a bloody stew, for added enjoyment.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.