10 Video Game Characters EVERYONE Let Die

7. Lord Shimura - Ghost Of Tsushima

Zoe Baker Resident Evil

Another morally grey choice in video games that actually isn't too morally grey when it comes down to it, Lord Shirmura is the mentor and uncle of the playable hero, Jin, in Ghost of Tsushima.

Embodying the traditional values of the samurai, Lord Shimura is all about honour, honour and more honour. Throughout the game, Shimura and Jin come into constant conflict over their different tactics on the battlefield, with the elder mentor scolding Sakai for his 'dishonourable' acts.

At the end of the game, things come to a head and players have to duel their uncle directly. When you win, you have the option of choosing whether to spare Lord Shimura and let him live, or give him an honourable samurai death.

Off the bat, this is one of those video game choices where developers are ramming a specific option down the player's throat. Not only do both men tout this as being a fight to the death, with Jin even preparing a nice poem, but Lord Shimura begs for players to put him out of his misery once he's defeated, as there's no way for him to live after such dishonour.

With Shimura thanking his son and assuring him he will see him again in the afterlife, it's hard to imagine anyone opting to go against his wishes and keep him around after the finale.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.