10 Video Game Characters Everyone Loved (That Just DISAPPEARED)

1. Geno - Super Mario RPG

resident evil Jill valentine

Few Mario characters have captured gamers' hearts the same way as Geno. Debuting in Super Mario RPG, this enigmatic spirit allies with the dungaree-sporting plumber, helping him bring peace to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Despite his whimsical appearance, Geno is a titan in battle, unleashing magical attacks that can kill multiple enemies in one strike. He's unwaveringly devoted to his cause, protective of his friends, and eager to jump into any battle without hesitation.

At a glance, there's no obvious reason why Geno would stand out over anyone else. But much like Star Wars' Boba Fett, people seem to gravitate towards this magical puppet for some reason. Geno's towering popularity is all the more bewildering, considering he only appeared prominently in Super Mario RPG and its recent remake.

And yet, Geno purists have been desperate to see him return in another Mario role-player. On top of that, there have been petitions for the wooden wizard to join the Super Smash Bros. roster for decades.

Even though it's hard to pinpoint the source of Geno's popularity, his effect on gamers cannot be denied. As a result, it's surprising he hasn't shown up in any of the dozen turn-based Mario titles over the years.


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