10 Video Game Characters Loosely Based On Wrestlers

2. Raiden/Big Bear

Raiden King of Fighters Big Van Vader

Series: King Of Fighters/Fatal Fury

Wrestler: Big Van Vader

This tour of various fighting game favourites continues with Raiden, otherwise known as 'Big Bear' from both the Fatal Fury and King Of Fighters series. The mammoth character is a pro wrestling bad ass who has more than a passing resemblance to sadly-deceased former World Champ Big Van Vader.

It's Raiden time, baby.

Eventually, Vader would switch up his mask and wear a little less leather over his chops, but the one he originally used in Japan provided SNK with inspiration for their own grappler. Honestly, just look at those dudes side-to-side and it's like someone just sketched a cartoon of Leon White and decided to give him some blue gear.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.