10 Video Game Characters Loosely Based On Wrestlers

3. El Blaze

El Blaze Virtua Fighter Rey Mysterio

Series: Virtua Fighter

Wrestler: Rey Mysterio

El Blaze was introduced in Virtua Fighter 5 and likes nothing more than fighting his rival Wolf Hawkfield, shouting "Hot Dog!" during fights (no, seriously) and possibly hitting fools with the 619 or West Coast Pop. In other words, random taunts aside, he's a video game version of high-flying hero Rey Mysterio.

Blaze-y has both eyes however. Just saying.

Sega's Yoshihiro Tsuzuku was clearly influenced by the antics of Mysterio when looking to design new characters for his fighting franchise. Blaze's default mask and attire are even eerily similar to one that Rey wore during his World Title push in 2006, which is the same year Virtua Fighter 5 launched.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.