10 Video Game Characters That Were Created For The Most Shocking Reasons

7. Vaas Wasn't Supposed To Be In Far Cry 3

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It's hard to imagine Far Cry 3 without Vaas. His role as the primary antagonist of the first half of the game created so many memorable moments that it made the rest of the title feel somewhat lacking and boring.

However, as it turns out, Vaas wasn't meant to be in the game originally. His character started off as a minor antagonist named Bull, who was just a generic pirate working for the actual big bad evil guy of the game, Hoyt Volker.

This all changed when Michael Mando, Vaas's actor, auditioned for the pirate's role. According to an interview with Mando, Ubisoft was looking for a stoic and emotionless performance. Mando decided to improvise a completely different type of character, one that was more prone to violent outbursts of anger but also had a somewhat charming and charismatic side.

As you might expect, Mando didn't get the role. However, Ubisoft liked his performance so much that they decided to scrap Bull's character and create a new one based on Mando's audition. The actor was cast as Vaas, and the rest is gaming history.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.