10 Video Game Characters Too Angry To Die

8. Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII

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On the surface, Sephiroth probably appears the least angry of all of the people gracing our list.

In fact, good old Sephy usually appears to be quite calm and collected, speaking carefully and deliberately in the best way he can to rile up his eternal rival, Cloud Strife.

However, Sephiroth’s outside demeanour is very different to the rage he feels inside.

Sephiroth’s rage comes from the discovery of his birth. During Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth realises he’s actually created by infusing a fetus (him) with cells from hideous alien creature Jenova. Believing this alien to be his ‘mother’ he goes full crazy, destroys Nibelheim entirely, and begins his quest to basically eradicate every lifeform on the planet.

He’s stopped pretty soon afterwards after Cloud chucks him in the lifestream, but his powers and his internal anger at the dirty humans populating ‘his’ planet force his will to live on, and he manipulates the characters of Final Fantasy VII from afar using clones and Jenova to literally summon a meteorite to destroy the planet.

He’s stopped from doing that and seemingly killed by Cloud. But NOPE – here comes Sephiroth again, living on through his clones and infecting the planet with the deadly virus Geostigma. He’s beaten AGAIN, and then comes back AGAIN to manipulate the timeline in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

We’re pretty sure at this point Sephiroth can’t actually die.

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God of War
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.