10 Video Game Characters Too Angry To Die

7. Uka Uka - Crash Banidicoot

god of war kratos

While Crash’s pal Aku Aku is all about peace and love, protecting his friends and OOGABOOGAing, his brother Uka Uka wants nothing more than world domination.

He’s a very angry spirit-mask-thingy. Usually found shouting at his minions such as Cortex, Uka Uka appears to be filled with constant internal rage at – well, pretty much everything that exists in the Crash Bandicoot universe.

It’s not known if he’s ever been this annoyed ALL of the time; the main contributor to his levels of fury is probably because he was locked away in a temple for absolutely forever.

He was only freed completely by accident when Crash shot down the Cortex Vortex with a giant laser created by N.Brio, and the Cortex Vortex conveniently crashed into Uka Uka’s temple and once again unleashed him upon the world.

Uka’s rage routinely manifests itself as possession of his minions. When annoyed with how things are going, he’ll jump on their face, seemingly completely possess them and shout VERY LOUD THINGS at you and try to deter you from completing your quest.

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God of War
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.