10 Video Game Characters Who Became Villains By Accident

4. King Rhobar III - ArcaniA: Gothic 4

The Witcher 3
Spellbound Entertainment

King Rhobar III is the original nameless protagonist of the first three Gothic games, who becomes the main villain in the series' fourth title, ArcaniA.

Now, you might be wondering if this sudden shift of alignment is the case of the old “live long enough to see yourself become a villain” cliché, but in reality, the reason why King Rhobar becomes a menace is a matter of simple coincidence.

The game’s plot explains that Rhobar becomes a tyrannical despot after he accidentally releases the Sleeper, aka the demon he defeats in the first Gothic game.

The Sleeper takes control of his mind soon after and turns him into a genocidal maniac who sics his soldiers to terrorize his own realm, including the home village of ArcaniA’s protagonist.

The king is definitely responsible for heinous things, but if you’re worried your favorite character in the franchise was suddenly turned into an evil bastard, you can rest assured that it’s only because he was brainwashed into becoming one.

And let’s be real. Considering how many real-life rulers have committed worse atrocities without a demon parasite in their head, the possessed king Rhobar is still not the worst leader in history.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.