10 Video Game Characters Who Broke Into Song

4. Joker (Batman: Arkham City)

I never thought I’d see the day where Mark Hamill broadcasted his singing voice to the world. After you defeat the masterpiece that is Arkham City, you receive a final call from the Joker which was sent before his death. This follows in the theme of the other messages he has sent you throughout the game, though this one packs much more of a punch.

In a final parting gift, the Joker sings the song ‘Only You’ on your voicemail, a message from beyond the grave. It perfectly captures this symbiotic relationship which the Joker and Batman share, and is utterly chilling.

Keeping up the famous Joker voice while singing and not losing an ounce of the personality behind the voice is a testament to how talented Hamill is and managed to make us uneasy amongst the celebration of beating the game.

One final trick left to you by the Joker.


Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!