10 Video Game Characters With Terrible Secrets You Totally Missed

They're not what them seem!

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Most story-based games feature secrets and plot twists that hit you right in the face when you least expect them, making things more engaging and interesting.

However, what you may not know is that, in some cases, the secrets the game is hiding from you are never meant to be seen. Unlike a big twist in the main story that's just waiting to blow your mind, these kinds of secrets never make an appearance anywhere, and unless you deliberately search for them yourself, you'd never know they exist.

The most common type of these true secrets relates to the various video game NPCs, who might look like an inconspicuous townie or a friendly face, but in reality they aren't at all what they seem to be.

Discovering these kinds of secrets about random NPCs can completely change the way you look at them and make you feel even more mind-blowing than the regular twists and turns you expect out of the game's story.

If you're curious to discover what terrible secrets the characters around you hide, the following list will help you with that.Just remember that once you discover their true nature, there's no going back.


*SPOILERS* will be flagged, but are contained within!

10. Milla Vodello Has A Troubled Past - Psychonauts

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Double Fine

Psychonauts' cast consists exclusively of weirdos and mentally unstable individuals, but you would think that at least one character, the groovy and peace-loving agent Milla Vodello, keeps it together.

Well, that is, until you discover she's probably the most psychologically tormented character of them all…

You see, each time you travel inside a person's mind in Psychonauts, you gain the ability to glimpse into their memory, including the secret emotional baggage that reveals the most well-hidden memories of their owner.

These usually include silly things like an embarrassing mishap or cartoonish plans of world dominance, but in Milla's case, it's, of course, screaming faces of dying children.


Digging deeper into her secrets, you can learn that Milla used to work at an orphanage and had to watch as all of her proteges burned alive after the mysterious building caught fire.

The worst part, which the game only alludes to, is that, due to her telepathic powers, Milla was able to hear the desperate thoughts of all those dying children, as they were slowly and painfully engulfed by flames.

No amount of glitter and disco fever will ever fix that.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.