10 Video Game Characters You Didn't Realise Suffered Tragic Fates

6. Gabe Logan - Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow

Death Stranding
SCE Bend Studio

The Syphon Filter series' sixth and final entry to date was 2007's Logan's Shadow, which appeared to wrap up without any sort of concrete ending to the franchise, seemingly suggesting that special agent Gabe Logan's adventures would continue.

That was, unless, you stuck around for the post-credits scene.

The shocking credits scene reveals that Gabe has retired from the spy's life, only for him to be attacked seconds later by Chinese special agent Trinidad.

Gabe and Trinidad pop off some shots at one another, each seemingly killing the other while Gabe's long-time partner Lian Xing desperately attempts to revive him.

Technically speaking Gabe's death has never been officially confirmed, though in a Reddit post several years ago former Sony Bend artist Athey Moravetz basically confirmed as much:

"[Series creative lead] John Garvin got burned out on Syphon Filter. He wanted to make something different. People seem to like to ignore that Gabe Logan died at the end of Logan's Shadow. Garvin literally killed off the main character so he wouldn't have to make any more SF games."

While for anyone who turned the game off once the end credits hit the series simply faded into the ether with Gabe alive and well, those who kept watching past the credits know what really became of him. He's toast.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.