10 Video Game Characters You Didn't Realise Suffered Tragic Fates

5. Cassie Drake - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Death Stranding
Naughty Dog

On a superficial level, Uncharted 4 delivered a fitting finale to Nathan Drake's story, nudging him into apparent retirement and ending with an epilogue where he and Elena finally decide to reveal their adventurous past to their teenage daughter Cassie.

The clear implication here is that Cassie will basically inherit the globetrotting mantle from her parents, such that Uncharted could effectively get a Cassie-starring spin-off or soft reboot sometime down the line.

There are far worse ideas, for sure, but it's a little troubling when you consider the extreme likelihood - if not outright certainty - that Nate and Elena sanitised their adventures when telling Cassie about them.

Given that Nate killed a couple thousand people over the course of the franchise, not to mention pilfered from ancient civilisations and in the case of Shambhala outright destroyed them, it's a reasonable assertion that Nate distorted the truth to characterise himself more favourably.

The problem is that by regaling Cassie with a false version of events, he's basically not letting her know the full dangerous extent of her future if she indeed follows in his footsteps.

This may quickly result in Cassie biting off more than she can chew on a mission and possibly even die - though this being Uncharted, it'd really just provide the perfect storytelling excuse for Nate to dust off his gear and get back out into the field to save her.

Either way, lying about a chequered past that your daughter is clearly considering emulating is a very bad parenting idea and could have horrible consequences.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.