10 Video Game Characters You Knew Were Evil From The Start

8. Adria - Diablo III (2012)

Final Fantasy  X

Of the returning series characters in Diablo III, Adria the Witch was probably one of the least expected. The first game sees her as merely a vendor on the outskirts of Tristram, the staves and mana potions she offers making her invaluable to the Sorcerer class.

That said, she's rather a curious sort, and certainly seems to have some morally questionable practices going on.

Only in Diablo III does Adria return as a fully-fledged NPC, and it's here that you notice something kind of... off about her straight away.

She's incredibly cold towards her daughter, Leah, for starters, caring much more for the Black Soulstone you recover. In a not-so-unexpected twist, Adria betrays your group, forcing Leah to become Diablo's vessel and killing her in the process.

It turns out that Leah was the daughter of Adria and Diablo, and Adria was formerly a member of a coven who yearned for power within the Burning Hells. Basically, she was never a good character, even as far back as Diablo 1, so you were right to have your doubts about her.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.