10 Video Game Characters You Unintentionally DOOMED

1. Gascoigne's Daughter - Bloodborne

the witcher 3 hearts of stone

The world of Bloodborne is a terrifying and depressing place. Everything is either cursed or turned insane, and whenever you just might start thinking you could make a difference in the world, the game takes your good deed and turns it into a demoralizing atrocity. Just like it does with Father Gascoigne's daughter.

Gascoigne's daughter (yes, that Gascoigne, the one with the axe and the sharp teeth) is a young and innocent girl who hides from the atrocities of Yharnam inside her parent's home. Despite her apparent safety, she's worried about her parents, and she asks the player to find out what happened to them.

Long story short, it turns out Father Gascoigne killed his wife, and then the hunter killed him. When the girl finds out about this, she begins to question the safety of her house, and at this point, the player can direct her to a new hideout.

Aw, good on you! Helping a young girl survive the apocalypse!

Except you aren't.

This is Bloodborne, remember? In reality, the girl never makes it to the new safehouse. She gets eaten by a massive boar halfway there, and it's all your fault!

By FromSoftware standards, that's still a pretty happy ending.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.