10 Video Game Cheat Codes That Changed Your Life

2. Level Select - Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic the hedgehog drowning

Sonic's relationship to gaming is legend - not just for his ability to turn 90s attitude into sheer bankability, but for having one of the most pristine platformers of them all.

There's so much about the original trilogy in particular that's seared into our brains - from that series of moving squares underwater in Chemical Plant, to... well, just drowning underwater in general. Seriously, that repeating sound effect that builds when you can't escape still gives me chills.

Because Sonic the Hedgehog - for as much as he's a loveable little chilli dog-eating scamp - has a game that could be incredibly hard.

The very reason so many of us have fond memories of Green Hill Zone over the rest of the game was because of this, and if you wanted to explore the entirety of Sonic without too much stress, you'd need the hallowed level select code.

Done by tapping Up, Down, Left, Right, then holding A and pressing Start, you could drop into any of the game's seven zones, mopping up the Chaos Emeralds that were way harder in a single playthrough.

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