10 Video Game Cheat Codes That Changed Your Life

3. Link Is Zelda - The Legend Of Zelda

legend of zelda

If there's one good thing that came out of social media, it's finally being able to nip in the bud, one of the worst proliferations of false information in the history of gaming.

What is it? That the little chap in the green tunic is called Zelda. It is the "Legend of Zelda" after all, and it's not like Nintendo helped themselves across the late 80s and 90s.

Not only was Zelda herself only in the game's instruction manual, but one of the most useful cheats in the franchise involved calling yourself Zelda, instead of Link.

Doing so skipped the whole first quest, meaning you didn't have to retrieve a letter, and could move on with acquiring the rest of Link's abilities instead.

The joy of any Zelda is in exploration and puzzle-solving - something that you're far more equipped to do, if you rename Link to Zelda.

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