10 Video Game Cheats Found YEARS Later

9. Minimap & Save Anywhere - Silent Hill 2

punch out little mac

Just when you thought that Silent Hill 2 couldn't get any more awesome, in 2018 modder punk7890 discovered a cheat which allows you to unlock a mini-map and also the ability to save everywhere - both extremely useful features in Konami's tricky, unnerving survival horror masterpiece.

The mini-map code only works after first beating the game and unlocking the infamous Dog ending, while accessing the save anywhere feature requires you to input a different code while a memory card is inserted in your console.

It's fair to assume that these features were hidden within the game in order to help developers test Silent Hill 2 without being constrained by the typical gameplay parameters.

But damn, knowing how tough the game was to get through for younger players of the era in particular, it sure would've been great to know about this one 23 years ago when it first hit the market and redefined horror for an entire generation.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.