10 Video Game Cheats Found YEARS Later

7. 10 Million Credits, License Skip & Earn Gold - Gran Turismo 4

punch out little mac
Polyphony Digital

Last year, some 19 years after Gran Turismo 4's original release, player Nenkaai shared their discovery of a series of cheat codes which allow you to instantly receive 10 million credits, pass any license, earn gold on a specific license test, and earn gold on any specific event.

There is admittedly a bit of a rub here, though - you can't merely enter the codes and be done with it, you have to wait for 365 in-game days to pass before they will work.

Presumably this time restriction was an attempt by developer Polyphony Digital to prevent players from accidentally stumbling upon said cheats, and though it's a bit of a faff cycling through activities to pass a whole in-game year, it's thankfully not a requirement you need to sit through in real-time.

Considering the utter slog it can be to grind credits and get through the license tests in the Gran Turismo franchise, it sure would've been useful to know these cheats two decades ago.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.