10 Video Game Cliffhangers That Went NOWHERE

1. Shenmue III (2019)

Days Gone
Ys Net

Many infamous video game sequels haunt gamers with their tantalizing promise but completely dead in the water development. Half-life 3, Beyond Good & Evil 2, and the previously mentioned Alice: Asylum are a few examples. But there is one franchise that actually managed to get a sequel after nearly two decades of waiting. It's just a shame it ended on yet another damn cliffhanger.  

Shenmue III was a once-thought-impossible game that continued the story of Ryo's quest for revenge against the villainous Lan Di. The game was rough, but at least fans would finally get to take Lan Di down, right? Right?! 

Well, no, because the game ended with a shocking cliffhanger that saw Lan Di obliterate Ryo in a fight before the protagonist managed to escape. The final moments showed as Ryo and his companions ventured off to the Great Wall of China, setting up a hopeless sequel. 

This one really hurts, as Shemue got a golden opportunity that few defunct game franchises are given and managed to squander it immaculately. 

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!