10 Video Game Clones That Kicked Your (Own) Ass

8. Booker Dewitt - Bioshock Infinite

Metroid dark samus
2K Games

Can we count alternate reality beings as clones? They share the same genetic makeup after all, and in the case of Bioshock Infinite we are shown that realities become one thanks to tears and baby swapping between them merging what is and isn't to the people in both timelines.

Whatever the case Booker DeWitt absolutely destroys Comstock in their meeting in Bioshock Infinite. Like it's genuinely uncomfortable to watch, and the revelation that Booker IS Comstock makes this scene all the more harrowing. Booker is so filled with hate, so filled with remorse for his own actions, that he smashes what is effectively his own head against a font until it breaks Comstocks skull and then finishes off the old man by drowning him.

As Comstock puts it, he'd sent armies against Booker, rained down fire from the sky but it was to no avail. Clone or not Booker kicked Comstock's (and therefore his own) ass so hard, that it killed him. Brutal.

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