10 Video Game Clones That Kicked Your (Own) Ass

7. Saint's Row IV - Your Evil Twin

Metroid dark samus
Deep Silver

The world of Saints Row is a very strange place indeed. Even in the early days when you were battling rival gangs for respect and smearing poo over people as the Toxic Avenger things were pretty wacky, but here in Saints Row IV you're the President of the United States trapped inside a simulation run by an evil alien overlord....and also your evil clone is running amok.

I know. It's a lot to take in right?

This "Evil You" goes the extra mile as well, donning and eye-patch and growing out an "evil" goatee, the absolute cad! However while their appearance might be one that incites laughter, their actions do not, as in this simulation The Evil You kills Matt Miller and it's revealed that the clone is in fact creating more clones of you to take over the city for themselves. Plus as simulations are each characters personal versions of hell, here Asha has put YOU as this megalomaniac evil doer because her worst fear is how much of an ego you the player has.

Ouch on many levels my friend. Luckily you can put a stop to this clown clone and make a damn clear statement that you are the only Saint's Row boss. For now at least.

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