10 Video Game Clones That Kicked Your (Own) Ass

4. Dark Aeons - Final Fantasy X

Metroid dark samus
Square Enix

Ok so I'm cheating a little bit here because these clones aren't actually of Tidus and the rest of his party in Final Fantasy X but rather clones of the Aeons which act like Yuna's oversized pet guardians.

Still though if you've ever gone up against the likes of Dark Anima, or the Dark Magus Sisters you'll understand why battling these clones is worth a mention. They are hands down some of the hardest bosses of the game, and were added in as an extra challenge for players to face in the international and PAL versions of the game, something which the community both cheered for and then screamed at when fighting them.

What makes fighting against these super bosses so difficult is that aside from having ludicours health pools and monumental damage output, they often blocked off areas that you were trying to return to meaning that if you had forgotten any useful items, you were going to have to go through hell to get them this time around.

On the plus side they looked immensely cool, however that was probably of little consolation when you got your and your own Aeon's asses kicked again and again.

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