10 Video Game Companions So Strong You're Just Getting In The Way

9. Elizabeth - BioShock Infinite

Mass Effect 2 Jack
Irrational Games

It's not for no reason that BioShock Infinite's sidekick Elizabeth gets talked about all the time and, well, nobody gives two figs about protagonist Booker DeWitt.

Elizabeth accompanies the player throughout the game and, in a refreshing twist, isn't yet another helpless escort character who becomes a chore to babysit.

In fact, Elizabeth requires basically no tending to at all - she doesn't need to be protected but rather will give the player aid items during combat, and can even open portals or "Tears" to further bring medikits and weapons to Booker.

As gaming allies go, Elizabeth certainly ranks among the most useful and capable, enough that Booker can't help but seem weak, even a bit useless, by comparison.

After Booker initially rescues Elizabeth, it's tough not to consider that she's really the one in the driver's seat, and that Booker ultimately becomes a passenger on the rest of the journey.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.