10 Video Game Companions So Strong You're Just Getting In The Way

8. Cidolfus Orlandeau - Final Fantasy Tactics

Mass Effect 2 Jack
Square Enix

It's simply impossible to discuss hilariously overpowered companions without bringing up Final Fantasy Tactics' Count Cidolfus Orlandeau - aka Thunder God Cid.

T.G. Cid is a thinly veiled riff on Star Wars' Obi-Wan Kenobi - a man who, despite being 56 years of age when he joins your party, is an utter force of nature.

Though introduced late in the game, Cid's default job of Sword Saint grants him access to almost every sword ability in the game, allowing him to deal mesmeric amounts of damage with Excalibur while needing little backup from the rest of your party.

To call him OP is a farcical understatement, basically, as he allows players to almost single-handedly steamroll through the rest of the story without much fuss.

Granted, there are some pretty heinous battles throughout the game leading up to Orlandeau joining in, so you might see it as a well-earned relief by that point, honestly.

All the same, if you feel that he trivialises the remaining combat too much, you're not obliged to use him.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.