10 Video Game Confessions We’re Not Proud Of

2. The Guilty Pleasure

Playboy The Mansion
Cyberlore Studios

Each and every gamer has a guilty pleasure which we'd prefer to remain unknown by our friends. The issue is that gaming is a far different pastime than it was a decade ago. The explosion of online play and the integration of social networking means that everybody on our friends list knows what we're playing and when we're playing it.

Whereas once upon a time it was possible to hide that copy of The Sims: Hot Date in an old shoe box or under a loose floorboard (if your friends happen to be Private Investigators), nowadays it can be rather more difficult to hide our guilty gaming pleasures. Thankfully, consoles offer the facility to hide our online statuses so our friends can't see us playing LEGO Star Wars or Code Vein.

This also means that we have the ability to disguise how much Skyrim we're playing so people can't judge us by the fact that we're spending a copious amount of time in Bethesda's fantasy world. It's rather embarrassing admitting the fact that we can be afraid of the world judging our gaming habits. In an ideal world we would own the fact that we love Viva Piñata but in reality our COD-obsessed friends list would lynch us.

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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.