11 Video Game Consoles You Never Knew Existed

8. Panasonic M2

You always know you're onto something special when a product is advertised as "a -killer". It didn't work for Killzone against Halo or Titanfall against Call of Duty, and it certainly didn't work back in 1998 when 3DO partnered with Panasonic to unveil the M2, going with the hype-line of it being a "Playstation-killer". Now, being that at this stage in Sony's lifecycle the Playstation was more powerful than a third-stage Super Saiyan, attempting to take down something that has such globe-spanning reach with nothing less than the gaming equivalent of a thermonuclear detonation was hardware suicide. Surprisingly, Panasonic didn't have access to such a fan-swaying exclusive or console-specific feature, instead the M2 wasn't even able to live up to its initial release screens. A deal was then brokered to hand off the machine to company Matsushita for release - who then elected not to bother, assumedly sensing the encroaching Kamehameha's Sony and Nintendo were firing up - reportedly leaving the guy behind the deal to find work canning fish in South America. Talk about a fall from grace. Win some, lose some?
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