11 Video Game Consoles You Never Knew Existed

7. Vectrex Arcade System

If there's one thing that makes gamers a truly brilliant and unique bunch, it's modding their favourite titles into something else entirely. Not just with software either, the idea of getting stuck into the guts of a machine's hardware and creating something from scratch was far easier with the older consoles - especially being the inner-workings of something like the Vectrex was about as complex as a potato. As reported by Gamasutra the Vectrex would release at just the wrong time, coming out only two years before the mass mainstream-meltdown of 1984, when video games as an emerging medium were tantamount to devil-worshipping, making for everyone but the most steadfast and wealthy companies losing their footholds on demographics necessary to get by. General Consumer Electronics (GCE) actually had some really unique ideas too, from a light-pen adapter that let you draw and interact with elements in a 3D space, to a virtual reality headset that - although looked like you'd fallen into a line-based version Tron - was still one of those "Man, this is the future" moments.
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