11 Video Game Consoles You Never Knew Existed


The mid-nineties was truly a terrible time to release a console unless you were Sony, Nintendo or Sega. The amount of the competition those three titanic contenders managed to sweep away in the debris left from their newly-unveiled consoles was pretty remarkable - with the Japanese-only PC-FX being something that showed real potential before being discontinued. As you can see from the image the general idea was to put out a more accessible, game-focussed version of PC hardware - something Microsoft's first Xbox would zero-in on - packed inside a tower-based aesthetic. In addition the FX would be the first console to support a mouse alongside a traditional controller, and it did find a certain subset of hardcore fans willing to overlook its minimal processing specs in favour of things like, erm, Return to Zork. Sadly the rest of the world was too busy having their faces melted off by Sonic to notice.
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