11 Video Game Consoles You Never Knew Existed

4. Philips CD-i

Remember the outcry when consumers first laid eyes on the PS4 and Xbox One? The general consensus was that both units looked like glorified VCRs, their boxed-aesthetic connoting nothing but the past, rather than the all-singing, all-dancing future. Well remove the 'glorified' part and you've got Phillips' shot at becoming a home console leader, coming out of the gate with one of the most boring-looking shells imaginable - although you have to imagine they were trying to get the machine to slot in alongside the other home units of the time. The biggest killer to any momentum this could've built up was down to the price, as the whole unit launched to the tune of $700 - a ludicrous price that seemed to come from a spate of Nintendo-licensed titles including a truly awful - and barely recognisable - Zelda trilogy. On the other hand the CDi gave everyone the fantastically ahead-of-its-time Burn:Cycle; a genre-bending sci-fi adventure that opened with you going through the motions of powering up your ship in first person before taking flight and blasting through a series of pretty fun levels. Zelda though? That was another story... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mHw5g55oC4
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