11 Video Game Consoles You Never Knew Existed

3. Magnavox Odyssey

Okay game buff time - did you know what the very first home console was? It's pretty easy to assume in 2014 - with the unprecedented access to any digital product arriving within a few seconds - that consoles just spring up out the ground at some point and instantly ingratiated themselves into our lives, the only roadblocks looking back being how we got used to motion controls and gamepads with 17 inputs. But this is far from the case. Those who know their Jumpmans from their Marios (or are they one and the same?) will be screaming the word "Magnavox!" at their screens, as although Nintendo's NES-fronted expedition into the living rooms of the world was truly revolutionary, its the Odyssey that takes the crown as the real innovator. Back in 1972 the Odyssey was barely classified as digital thanks to analog signals transmitting back and forth between receivers, and with something as integral as sound not even coming until a later model that would also help usher in the Pong revolution, this optionally battery-powered console (that also had a cable accessory) tends to get swept away upon any reflective look back at the industry.
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