10 Video Game Crossovers That Went Too Far
5. Gears Pop! Is Best Forgotten

At E3 2018, the Coalition broke their silence since Gears of War 4 to announce a slew of new titles: not only the next mainline entry but the first real spinoffs that the franchise had ever had in Tactics and Gears Pop! which, if there was an award for “weirdest in show” would’ve run away with it.
Suddenly, the series of grotesque monsters being split in half with chainsaws and tough soldiers who swear a lot was being shrunk down into the world of Funko. Sure, the Gears of War franchise isn’t without its sense of humour and its most machismo moments are at least a little tounge-in-cheek, but pairing it up with this mass market appeal giant was unthinkably stupid.
You know what Gears of War needs? A boring Clash Royale clone where we turn all of the characters into squat, plastic collectibles all with the same soulless eyes and face. Appropriate then that all of the personality of Gears is sapped away by association with Funko.
This is actually Funko’s first dip into the video game pool… and they picked Gears of War? It seems so impossibly arbitrary. Thankfully, with Gears 5 launching soon after, Gears Pop! was easy to forget… almost like it was planned that way.