10 Video Game Deaths You Were Powerless To Stop

8. Lee Everett - The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Lee Death
Telltale Games

Though Telltale's The Walking Dead games present players with a certain degree of freedom, it was a real Sophie's Choice situation in the first season's final episode when infected protagonist Lee is given two options: ask his surrogate daughter Clementine to kill him before he turns into a Walker, or have her flee the area and leave him to turn.

Players are basically tasked with picking the terrible option or the slightly less terrible one, though opinion on which is which might well vary among fans.

Either way, the end result is basically the same: Lee, the person the player grew to know and care for over the course of the game, is no more, and there's no way for players to save him.

Season two of course shifts the player perspective to Clem herself, but in all of the game's subsequent seasons, never once did it achieve quite the same level of expertly-crafted hopelessness as this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.