10 Video Game Developer Roles You Didn't Know Exist

4. Crowdfund Manager

Batman arkham city
Warner Bros.

Games cost a lot of money. Sometimes, hundreds of millions of pounds. Enough to buy twelve Freddos! So, then, it's a lot of work to raise that money... if you're not a billionaire publishing corporation.

In a survey of Kickstarter and Fig successes, the most stressful part of the whole process is, ostensibly, the campaign management itself. It's not hard to see why - the likelihood of your whole project even existing rests on how well you convey your ideas and production plan to your potential audience.

If you can't convince the people with all the pennies your game is the best thing since sliced Sonic The Hedgehog 2, then no amount of superbly-developed content done behind the scenes will matter.

A crowdfund manager, in a lot of ways, is a bit like a regular producer, but with the additional tasks of relaying all the work done to all potential investors whilst simultaneously reading the market temperature and the fan feedback (which may inform how the campaign unfolds, too).

And if all else fails, you have two of a lot of your internal organs! Yay for the black market!


Hiya, you lot! I'm Tommy, a 39-year-old game developer from Scotland - I live on the East coast in an adorable beachside village. I've worked on Need for Speed, Cake Bash, Tom Clancy's The Division, Driver San Francisco, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, Kameo 2 and much more. I enjoy a pun and, of course, suffer fools gladly! Join me on Twitter at @TotoMimoTweets for more opinion diarrhoea.