10 Video Game Developers That Stupidly Ditched Popular Genres

2. Killzone: Liberation

killzone liberation

The Change: FPS to top-down cover-based shooter.

For as much as it was labeled the "Halo-killer" before launch - a label that only served to make the majority of us view it with weighted expectations rather than a want to love it from day one - Killzone never truly got off the ground. Not like Sony wanted with their Killzone 2 footage, anyway.

A trilogy of brown and grey shooters, an admittedly brilliant tech showcase on PS Vita, a revamped colourful instalment on PS4 - and this top-down instalment on the first PSP.

Likely more a product of the PSP only having one analogue stick, it forced Guerrilla to rethink how to even control a soldier in amongst fighting waves of Helghast.

What we got was... fine. Like, aggressively "Okay, I could play a bit of this, but oh god it's so empty-feeling" serviceable.

The issue was more that none of what brought fans to the franchise in the first place was here - short of that "signature" dulcet colour palette remaining intact.

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