10 Video Game Difficulty Modes That Are Utterly BROKEN

4. Give Me God Of War Difficulty - God Of War (2018)

Uncharted 4 crushing
Sony Interactive Entertainment

God of War 2018 may be one of the greatest games of the last generation, but its hardest difficulty mode, Give Me God of War, is a pain in the ass beyond compare, enough that it legitimately qualifies as broken.

Like other busted difficulty modes on this list, it's painfully apparent that it wasn't properly play-tested to be genuinely achievable by an acceptable sliver of players.

Where to begin? The start of the game is one of the hardest parts because Kratos isn't yet kitted out with good gear, and because enemies have masses more health than in lower difficulties you can spend a frankly absurd amount of time chipping away at them before they go down.

Even those who take joy in conquering a game's hard-as-nails difficulty may find this more of a boring slog than an entertaining challenge, so needlessly spongy are even the most standard of enemies. Oh, and they're able to level up mid-fight and negate your progress. Boo.

"Artificial difficulty" might be an overused term, but it absolutely fits for Give Me God of War, which rather than creatively scale-up enemy aggression in a tactile and interesting way just gives them a stupid amount of health for you to hack away at for 15 minutes.

And worst of all, if you make some headway in this mode before deciding to switch difficulties, Give Me God of War doesn't allow you to lower the difficulty down, so you'll have to start the entire game again.

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Uncharted 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.