10 Video Game DLCs Better Than The Game

2. Hivebusters - Gears 5

Xcom 2 war of the chosen
The Coalition

Gears 5 was another pretty good entry into the franchise albeit a far cry from the series' earlier glories, rocking first-rate gunplay per usual but failing to deliver a compelling story and settling for a repetitive, by-the-book gameplay loop. It was totally competent and yet not remotely memorable.

The next year, The Coalition released their Hivebusters DLC, a single-player campaign focused on three characters from Gears 5's Escape multiplayer mode - Lahni, Keegan and Mac.

The three-hour campaign cleaves all the fat away from the main game's more bloated, unevenly paced story mode, tossing the open-world gumpth to the wayside and focusing on tight, claustrophobic combat from start to finish.

With its likeable central trio and extremely efficient throughline, this basically feels like an interactive Michael Bay movie in the best way possible - big, bombastic, and breathlessly intense.

For those many left unmoved by Gears 5's changes to the series' core formula and rather overegged play-time, Hivebusters is all the more superior for retreating back to basics and doing what Gears does best.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.